Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Japanese Money!!!


Today i would like talk about Japanese bills, coins and how to pay in japan!
At first i would like to introduce Japaneses bills.

this is 10000 yen =$100

this man is Yukiti Fkuzawa. he is very famous professor in japan.

this is 5000 yen= $50

this women is Itiyo Higuti. she is author. she wrote a lot of novels, especially
she wrote about women's human right.

this is 2000 yen=$20

This bill is commemorate bills. this bills an issued in 2000 years. now this bills
aren't issued. just issued 1 year.

this is 1000 yen =$10

this man is Hideo Noguti. He is very famous scientist. he research yellow fever
and syphilis. he dead by yellow fever before he got Nobel prize.

Japanese bills has a white circle and hold up bills to the light. you can see same picture
of each bills.

this is Japanese coins, there are lot of coins.

 1 yen   5 yen    10 yen   50 yen 100 yen  500 yen
   ↓   ↓     ↓    ↓    ↓      
1 cent   5 cent    10 cent  50 cent    $1           $5

Japanese people always use cash. and I think many people put in money over 3000 yen absolutely.


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

City Life vs. Country Life

 Hi guys !! Today I Would like Talk About City Life Country Life VS. Which one IS the best for us?  I think both side has a good point and bad point. For example, if you live in the City, you can buy something and easy to go anywhere by traffic, but sometimes we stuck in traffic and there are lot of criminals in the city side.  on the other hand, countryside hasn't traffic jam, but if you want to buy something or go to another place. we spend a lot of time to go destinations.  i cant decide that which side is better. but if you don't want to bother to move. i would recommend city side.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Dream Job

Hi! this time i would like to talk about my dream job.
 My dream job is rode bike trader

road bike trader must speak English, so i have to improve my English skills in U of C.

Introduce my self.

Hi guys! my name is Koichiro Kato. I'm from japan. Today I would like talk about my self!

Im live in Arashiyama in Kyoto! like this.  many tourist come to Arashiyama every year.

Next i would like talk about my favorite sports!!
Do you know Sepaktakraw .
This sports come from Thailand. I think everyone don't know this sport. sepatakraw is like a Vally ball but just use foot.  like this↓

very acrobatic sports isn't it??  I'm belong to club team in japan!!
if you interested in this sports, let play with me!

thank you for reading!!